Lives Victorville, CA
Sponsors KR3W, Supra, Deathwish, Mob Grip, Ogio Bags, Spitfire Wheels, Thunder Trucks.
Have you ever seen that young kid skating and you say to yourself, “Damn, that little bastard’s going to be really good someday.” And then a couple weeks later you turn around and see he’s not a kid anymore. In fact, dude’s two feet taller and one of the sickest skaters you’ve ever seen? Yeah? Well then you’ve obviously seen Antwuan Dixon. Basically, popping off one of the best parts in the Baker 3 video was just the beginning for Antwuan—this cats out the bag and he’s scratchin’ the hell out of spots worldwide. So if you haven’t seen the lil’ guy since the last video, don’t trip. Next time you see him Big Kandy is guaranteed to be doing it big down stairs, rails, and anything else that gets in his way.

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